Grant mccracken who is the celebrity endorser
Sign In. Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Who Is the Celebrity Endorser? Cultural Foundations of the Endorsement Process. Oxford Academic. Google Scholar. Revision received:. Select Format Select format. Permissions Icon Permissions. Abstract This article offers a new approach to celebrity endorsement. View 4 excerpts, cites background.
Celebrity endorsements: Influence of a product-endorser match on Millennials attitudes and purchase intentions. The buying power of millennial consumers is ever growing. They are social consumers, sharing all aspects of their experiences on social media.
One advertising technique that may sway millennial … Expand. ABSTRACT Although a number of scholars have investigated effective celebrity endorser characteristics with consumer samples using experimental methods, there is only one study by Miciak and Shanklin … Expand.
This research investigated the effects of number of products endorsed by a celebrity and number of exposures to the celebrity on consumers' attitudes and purchase intentions. In study 1, using print … Expand. The objective of the research presented in this article is to examine the possibility that the adverse effects on consumer brand attitudes engendered by the involvement of a celebrity endorser in a … Expand.
Who is the Celebrity Endorser? A Content Analysis of Celebrity Endorsements. The celebrity endorser is considered a famous personality who is recognized by … Expand. View 7 excerpts, cites background. ABSTRACT Building on source-credibility theory, the authors tested a structural model for advertisers and scholars to explain brand outcomes of celebrity endorsement. The empirical context is the … Expand. View 8 excerpts, cites background and methods.
The equity effect of product endorsement by celebrities: A conceptual framework from a co-branding perspective. Purpose — The purpose of this study is to outline a conceptual framework that can be used to organise and guide future research into how celebrity product endorsement creates equity for both … Expand.
Towards a practitioner-based model of selecting celebrity endorsers. Use of celebrity endorsers has become a widely employed marketing communication strategy. One of the key issues of this strategy is to decide which celebrity to employ. Even though scholars, mostly … Expand.
Therefore, in addition to identifying the symbolic meanings in products that are currently associated with celebrity endorsers, we wanted to determine if respondents could describe the symbolic meanings they would want a celebrity endorser to possess to "pass on" to a non-endorsed product.
For this purpose, we asked the following". The results of the pilot indicated that the directions were insufficient and unclear; we had to "interview" the respondents to obtain responses we could use because they had trouble knowing what we were asking. We determined from OUT interviews that the words "communicate" and "associate" seemed to be the best elicitors of symbolic meanings. We also determined from our interviews that some "priming of the pump was helpful in getting respondents to think about the advertisements.
For the third step, then, we developed an introduction and instructions for the instrument to "set the stage" for the questions and tested the effectiveness of "communicate" and "associate" for response generation. The two parts of the instrument and the test of two elicitors created four versions of the instrument.
The bath towel category elicited high content responses and was also continued in all four versions. The four versions of the instrument had the same instructions for the paired meanings sections and the un-endorsed meanings section. For the paired meanings section introduction respondents were told: 'We are interested in how celebrities who advertise particular products are perceived by the audience. There are no right or wrong answers.
We are interested in your personal opinions and feelings and ideas. Please read the directions carefully and respond in as much detail as you can. For the un-endorsed meanings section introduction, the same directions were used except respondents were informed that we were "interested in what types of celebrities would be good endorsers for certain types of products. The specific question for the paired meanings was as follows: "Think about the last time you saw Cher advertise Scandinavian health Spas.
In your own words, please describe what you associate with Cher advertising Scandinavian Health Spas what you think is being communicated when Cher advertises SHSs. In your own words, please describe what associations you would want to be created by a celebrity advertising bath towels the kind of celebrity you would want to advertise bath towels.
Again, respondents were undergraduate business students. The results of this step indicated that "associate" and "communicate" elicited similar symbolic meanings; "associate" was chosen for use in the final phase of the study.
The final phase of the study asked respondents who had not previously participated in the study to think about the last time they saw Scandinavian Health Spa advertised. Fifty-one undergraduate business students completed the survey: 29 male respondents and 22 female respondents. Eight themes emerged from the analysis of the pairing of Cher and Scandinavian Health Spas. A summary of the findings, which is presented below, are shown in Table 1.
It is interested to note that males tended to respond that "working out at Scandinavian will produce an attractive or great body" whereas females were more likely to indicate this association by responding "a workout at Scandinavian will produce a body like Cher's. Typical male responses included in this category were the following: "Cher is one well put together woman attractive ," and "Working out will give you a great body.
They want women to perceive that going to Scandinavian can give you a shapely figure like Cher's," and "If you go to Scandinavian you can have a body like Cher's. Typical responses were the following: "I associate Cher with physical fitness," and "Healthiness is definitely being promoted. Staying physically fit is a better way of life. The hard work theme was represented by statements such as "Great bodies are hard work but the results are worth it," and "Cher communicates will and determination.
Example of responses that best reflect this dimension include: 'In a word SEX! Cher has been a sex symbol since the days when she and Sonny Bono were a team," and "It's dark and smokey, she's pumping iron some kind of sex goddess. Reports of plastic surgery on various parts of her body was the most frequently cited reason for her lack of credibility.
Examples include: "Although Cher is supposedly showing that hard work in the gym will give you a great body its ironic that Scandinavian would use her since she has had plastic surgery on various parts of her body," and" associate Cher with getting paid a lot of money to show off a body which I'm sure didn't come from Scandinavian. Representative responses include: "That even though she is an older woman my guess is 40's you can still remain physically fit good body ," and "I think of a slightly older woman who seems to be in good shape because she works out regularly.
Responses include ones such as: "Better self image! Excerpts from typical responses are: "A place to go if you want to meet members of the opposite sex," "If I go to this gym maybe I'll hook up with someone like Cher," and "It's more of a social club than a gym. Thirty-two respondents, 15 males and 17 females, completed this version of the survey.
Seven major themes emerged based on the elicited responses. A summary of the findings, which are presented below, are shown in Table 2. Statements were given such as: "I associate the good looks and a good body with Scandinavian. They seem to advertise that rather than health," and "Beautiful women with very well shaped bodies.
Typical comments centered on lifting weights and nautilus machines. Negative comments revolved around Cher as well as the lack of reality of the advertising representations and questionable marketing tactics: "I associate Cher with Scandinavian. I don't have a good image of Scandinavian because of Cher and her many tummy tucks, etc. The typical people who make fun of fat people," "Beautiful bodies for a cheap price Rip off.
Too good to be true. Typical responses included: "When I think of this spa I automatically think of a sexual emphasis. The ads depict women as sexy which implies fitness," "Scandinavian promotes sex appeal," and "Sexy women with very little clothing. One objective of the study was to assess differences in associations for endorsed products and unendorsed products. Therefore, in an initial version of the instrument respondents were asked to either "describe the kind of celebrity you would want to advertise bath towels" or "describe what associations you would want to be created by a celebrity advertising bath towels.
A summary of the findings are presented in Table 3. Responses centered around five basic themes and although types of responses were similar across versions, there were differences in the magnitude of responses with respect to certain themes.
The similarities and differences will be reported in this section.