Gpg where is public key
Subject and message body are filled with an explanatory text, informing the recipient how to handle your public key. Why not add your key fingerprint to your email signature? That way you can establish trust and should your key setup ever change, your contacts will have an easy time identifying the change. In case you do not use key servers, consider uploading your public key file and link to that file in your email signature. There are many ways to solve key distribution - be creative or ideally use the key servers.
Send feedback. As an example: gpg -e -u "Charles Lockhart" -r "A Friend" mydata. I think you specify the senders username so that the recipient can verify that the contents are from that person using the fingerprint? An interesting side note, I encrypted the preemptive kernel patch, a file of 55, bytes, and ended up with an encrypted file of 15, bytes. To decrypt data, use: gpg -d mydata. You'll be prompted to enter your passphrase. Afterwards there will exist the file "mydata.
NOTE: when I originally wrote this cheat sheet, that's how it worked on my system, however it looks now like "gpg -d mydata. The working alternative worked on my system, anyway would be to use "gpg -o outputfile -d encryptedfile. Alternatively you could run something like "gpg -d mydata.
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Generating a new GPG key.