Where is viconia baldurs gate

Good to know for the future. Thanks for the pro-tip, SiMON. Thanks for that also :. Activating the debug mode or her. Nothing even said that you had one chance. I probably just wasn't searching for the right thing. I did debug. Have a saved copy of both though, if i feel the need to get arrows of biting or whatever it may be.

As it stands I have a crapload of money just from selling stuff. To have such capacity you must have doubts in and about your views, of which Viconia has many. She acts tough because she's had to survive that way all of her life. Most of what she spouts, in my opinion, is a front: it's all she knows, but deep down, as i said, she doubts.

You can see clues of this in some of her conversations. So, is she evil? Yes, but not at heart. PetrusOctavianus PetrusOctavianus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. She's a member of the matriarchal drow society where men are used as cattle. What can be more evil than that? One male Drow has broken free and is fighting the good fight of masculism along the Sword Coast.

J Lo J Lo Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Vicionia might be polite, but that doesn't really reflect her world view. She is still drow, and views non-drow as inferior creatures. If you tell Vicionia the former, she can't wrap her head around why you would want to save Imoen. A sign that she lacks empathy. She is loyal to the PC because she has a pack mentality. When you learn about her past, you'll understand why she feels the need to bond with those around her.

I'm not really sure what you mean by giving certain characters a free pass. Aerie isn't selfish, she is like that because she is traumatized. There is a phrase by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions".

This can be interpreted in two ways. The first is where someone genuinely wants to do something good, but ultimately damages anything or anyone around him. The second interpretation is where someone does a good deed, but it is really done because it profits the person in some way. Neither of these apply to Nalia. Nothing is damaged because of her actions and her crusade is not part of some larger, more sinister purpose. Her dilemma is that she wants to help the poor, but can't truly empathize with them because she's from a different world.

Ryan Ryan Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. She's a good example of the "nature vs. She grew up in a society that supports some pretty evil philosophies. So, the baseline she has been exposed to of what constitutes "normal" behavior is an evil one, and it has an influence on her own actions. I would not agree with her being called a "psychopath" though. A psychopath is more of the "some men just want to watch the world burn" type of personality like Xzar or Tiax.

She's not necessarily an evil person by nature, but she does and says some things that lean that way due to the influences of the environment she was brought up in. Bookwyrm Bookwyrm Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

User Info: Cadmapper. User Info: phoenix You find her in the Government District for the first time. She's in the upper left of the map, near a few stakes fit for a good round of heretic burning.

Alignment : Neutral Evil can be changed to True Neutral in Throne of Bhaal if you romance her and pick the right dialog options. How to find : Go to the Government District. At 6 in the western part of the district, next to the prison, a group of fanatics is preparing to burn Viconia at the stake because she is a Drow. You will have to release her from the stake and fight the fanatics if you want her on board.

If you don't save Viconia the first time you come by, she will be killed. Your party's reputation will drop by 2 points simply for traveling with a Drow Elf.


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