Where is trig palins birth certificate
Rather, in the case of Obama, his place of birth presented a potentially urgent constitutional problem. If Obama had been born abroad, there would have been questions about his eligibility to be president, hinging on the murky definition of the phrase "natural-born citizen. And remember: Obama wasn't the only '08 candidate who faced questions from the press about the circumstances of his birth.
The parentage of Trig Palin presents no similarly urgent issue. But Steve Kornacki has authoritatively dispatched that argument. And, again: There is no reason to suspect that Palin faked the pregnancy, let alone evidence that it was a hoax. Justin Elliott is a reporter for ProPublica. You can follow him on Twitter ElliottJustin. Sticky Header Night Mode. And indeed, if that is the case, it speaks enormously highly of Palin, in my view, as I have said from the very very beginning. The way in which Palin has not let this speak for itself but has relentlessly exploited her story and child makes this an even more salient political issue - and one which deserves appropriate press scrutiny, as with any other core campaign platform.
But there has been no press scrutiny. In fact, there has been enormous pressure from the press not to investigate the story and to mock anyone who does so. No MSM interviewer of Palin has ever asked a single question about the bizarre stories that Palin has told about her political prop - not Oprah, not Couric, not Gibson, not anyone. Newsweek has reprinted minute details of Palin's story as fact with no independent confirmation but Palin's own words.
No MSM newspaper has asked for or demanded easily available proof of the pregnancy and birth - except the Anchorage Daily News , after the election, which prompted Palin not to quietly offer proof to an editor keen to put the entire controversy to rest, but to explode in rage. But we have all seen mounds of evidence that prove the Truthers are out of their minds and we have seen the birth certificate that refutes the Birthers. What have we seen to back up the maternity of Trig?
Not a single page from what must be a mountain of medical records, no birth certificate, nothing but a single page doctor's note confirming the birth in passing, issued four hours before polls opened, by a doctor who once spoke freely with the local press but clammed up completely as soon as Palin hit the national stage. Yes, we have three photographs of her looking slightly pregnant though much less so than in her previous pregnancies toward the end of her term, but we also have photographs, like the one above, from the same period revealing almost nothing at all.
The story she has told about her pregnancy, moreover, has not passed any sniff test by some of the leading obstetricians and pediatricians in the country's leading teaching hospitals. No one in the McCain campaign asked for confirmation and some in that campaign now privately wonder if the whole thing wasn't and isn't a scam. Palin, for good measure, directly claimed that the medical records had been released early in the campaign, a simple falsehood.
Why would anyone say such a thing if it were not true? How would any mother who had actually given birth to a child with special needs exploit him so publicly for political gain? Why has the press not asked a single question about the insane wild ride that included water breaking at 4 am in Texas and a birth in Alaska a day later after three plane flights? For me, the issue here is about the political-media system that now operates in America.
It was a system that never challenged the facts about the rush to war in Iraq - something I take personally as a failing of mine as well as of everyone else. It was a system that allowed a vice-presidential candidate to be selected by a Google search, with no vetting, and didn't insist on an open press conference for the entire campaign. It was a system that gave a pass to a candidate who could have become president if a 73 year-old cancer and torture survivor were to become incapacitated, and who had a long, documented record of crazy lies, tall stories and a chaotic family life, because it was too unseemly to ask such a question and because asking it would have provoked an uproar from the heartland.
I have never claimed I know the truth. I don't. I only know that none of us does. We all have to rely on the word of Sarah Palin - something about as reliable as a credit default swap. I want to know the truth. Because if I am loony, I deserve the pushback and criticism for suspecting a story that turned out to be true. And because if Palin has lied about this, it's the most staggering, appalling deception in the history of American politics. That is relevant, too, and why I am glad to know all of the points in the narrative.
In a way, it is charitable of Sullivan to think that there ought to be a better explanation, beyond a careless tendency to smash things up, for her behavior. How would Palin act in the sort of drama that involved lives, here and abroad? But it is good to know who she is. That is one reason why the Trig controversy is not, despite the efforts of some commentators to make it so, a leftist version of Birtherism.
He has released his birth certificate. The ones whose characters have been revealed by that story are the Republicans who are willing to wiggle linguisitically to urge Birthers on while evading responsibility for doing so.