What does xena mean
If your date is not a good listener, you have trouble relating. A person must be intellectually stimulating or you are not interested sexually. You need a friend for a lover and a companion for a bed mate. You hate disharmony and disruption, but you do enjoy a good argument once in a while-it seems to stir things up. You flirt a lot, for the challenge is more important than the sexual act for you. But once you give your heart away, you are uncompromisingly loyal. N : Meaning of N in the name Xena means: You like to work, but you always want a break.
Indecision worst enemy, only you can overcome. Overcome innate fears by self-development and latent talent. Impulsive nature could get you into serious trouble. Overcome tendency to unpredictability and irritability, them many friends and prosperity. Imaginary problems could overwhelm, stay in the here and now. You may appear innocent, unassuming, and shy; but we know that appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes though, running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of sex.
You can be highly critical of you mate, seeking perfection in both of you. It is not easy to find someone who can meet your standards.
You have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers. A : Meaning of A in the name Xena means: You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. Vitality and enthusiasm, inspire others, prone to ill health, common sense overcomes, irritability and "nerves", create financial and domestic problems. Engaging in new activities, overcomes shyness, unforeseen events may cause unexpected move to faraway place.
Travel widely, may choose to live far from home. You could suffer through own fickleness. Priya Indian. Neerja Indian. Zira US English. Oliver British. Wendy British. Fred US English.
Tessa South African. How to say xena in sign language? Popularity rank by frequency of use xena Select another language:. Please enter your email address: Subscribe. Discuss these xena definitions with the community: 0 Comments. Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. You can find the results below. She first appeared in the — television series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, before going on to appear in Xena: Warrior Princess TV show and subsequent comic book of the same name.
The series aired in syndication from September 4, , until June 18, Xenarthra : The superorder Xenarthra is a group of placental mammals infraclass Eutheria , extant today only in the Americas and represented by anteaters, tree sloths, and armadillos.
Xena: Warrior Princess comics : Xena: Warrior Princess were a series of comic books based on the television series of the same name. Topps Comics and Dark Horse Comics created a series of comics tying in to the property. Xenacanthida : Xenacanthida or Xenacanthiforms is an order of prehistoric sharks that appeared during the Lower Carboniferous period. Xenacanthus : Xenacanthus is a genus of prehistoric sharks.
Xena Xena is a warrior for good, formerly warlord, destroyer of nations, warrior, and warlord. Stranger, foreigner. What are similar sounding Christian Girl names with Xena Name. Parenting Articles. Top beautiful biblical boy names and meanings in Your Email: Send Favorit Names. Home Boys Girls BornToday Most Popular.