The crucible what makes danforth anxious
John Proctor finally tears up his confession and decides it is better to hang because he does not want his confession nailed to the church door before all to see. Elizabeth Proctor was spared for at least a year because she is pregnant. This material is available only on Freebooksummary. Abigail goes to Boston and becomes a prostitute. This quotation demonstrates that even though both characters are equally responsible for committing such a negative deed, Proctor is too proud to admit that what he had done was wrong.
Proctor is trying to keep Abigail silent because he knows that if the truth was known by the people of Salem, his reputation and good name would be ruined.
The fatal flaw of pride is once again seen in John Proctor when he destroys the document that was going to save his…. At the opening of the play, Proctor is attempting to change due to his recent affair with Abigail Williams and his desire to keep his integrity and his marriage intact. He is a righteous man and knows what he should do to set the record straight and not let the hysteria get out of hand; but his own insecurities and selfish motives prevent him from calling out Abigail and exposing her for the manipulative whore that she is.
Being a tormented individual with inner demons to battle, his affair damages him in the eyes of God. Elizabeth can forgive him, but Proctor cannot forgive himself. Because i can not have another! This proves that his pride in his name and refusal to blacken his name with a lie is a complete shock compared to his previous actions with Abigail which is the reason to why his name is currently bad.
Proctor would rather giveaway his life and die with pride. Proctor evidently comes to realize that he values integrity and moral justice more than his reputation and even his life. He believes that one more lie cannot send him to Hell twice, so he chooses to lie and delay going to hell—the same consequence.
In order to preserve his reputation, John Proctor, understandably, keeps silent about the affair. However, beyond mere personal silence, John Proctor attempts to guilt his wife into silence out of pity for him. Putnam is well-positioned to use the witch trials to express his feelings of persecution and undeserved failure, and to satisfy his need for revenge. His wife feels similarly wronged—like many Puritans, she is all too willing to blame the tragic deaths of her children on supernatural causes—and seeks similar retribution for what she perceives as the malevolent doings of others.
SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. Why is the play called The Crucible? What is a crucible? Did the girls really see the Devil or witches? Why did Tituba confess to dancing with the Devil? Was John still in love with Abigail? What causes tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor? Why is Rebecca Nurse accused of witchcraft?
Why is Elizabeth Proctor accused of witchcraft? What happens when Mary Warren tells the court the truth about the girls acting bewitched? Why does Reverend Hale change his mind about the witch trials? Summary The play is set in Salem, Massachusetts, ; the government is a theocracy—rule by God through religious officials. Analysis The Crucible is a play about the intersection of private sins with paranoia, hysteria, and religious intolerance. Test your knowledge Take the Act 1, part 1 Quick Quiz.
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