Fable 3 why is my kid black
This topic is awesome. I also had a black Kid with Elise. But I spared her because I guess if I have 8 different wives she can get a little on the side as well.
Heck I even moved her into the palace. I have 6 wives I think now, one in every major city. I am married to a black woman in Aurora, so I do have a black child with her, which makes perfect sense. Thing I hate about all of the Aurora women are A there are none with "flirty" personality i. Though it does happen that two white parents can have a black child i doubt it is the case in this game. The odds are very low and it does not happen often at all.
Whereas in this game it is pretty common, like a 1 in 5 chance or so. It seems more likely that it hints that your spouse cheated. Especially since sometimes you can catch your spouse saying something flirty to other people about not telling her husband.
Since this game has marriage, prostitutes, divorce, children, gay and lesbian options then its likely that infidelity was also included. Especially since you can sleep with whoever you want to. User Info: ThePetGoat.
I married one of the darker skinned people in the game but my child was white. Why is that? More topics from this board How do i have an orgy?
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General 5 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Babies are white as infants, black as kids. You tell me what's wrong 6string. User Info: xMinnesotaSlim. From: thefinalzapkeet don't forget the fact that, when you cuddle with your infant child, they are white Maybe your child is now diseased.
Lure it out to a secluded spot and quietly dispose of the wretched thing. No one will ever know. User Info: Mistere Man. I had something like this happen in Fable 2, My in game wife had a white daughter and then a black son. Later I moved my wife to a new home and when the kids loaded in the new home and came running out the door they were both white. I don't know if this will work for Fable 3 but you can try, just be sure the house is in a whole new area from the last so they need to reload.
User Info: TheSmartBlonde. Did you know that thing between your legs is a reproductive organ as well as something to remove waste from the body? It is truly a marvel. The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return. User Info: Apocalypto Maybe the wife's father was black???????
User Info: Andyot Worry not my friend! I have here your answer. It is truly a Magical Marvel! In Real Life, two white parents can have a black child. Although rare, it is entirely possible and comes down to genetics that have carried through generations.
Her great great grandfather could have been black, her father could have been black, her mother, etc, blah blah. The child's skin colour in Fable is a randomly generated. Ever since the game came out, half the threads on any forum I've seen have been complaining about having black children. I know this isn't exactly a thread like the other ones but I didn't know that there was still that much racism in the gaming community today considering half the characters in most games are of a different ethnicity.
It doesn't ruin the immersion of the game, Lionhead merely thought that since it's possible in the real world for this to happen, it can happen in Albion. Don't worry about it. You can always kill your wife and get it put into the orphanage if it's really that bothering. Well, if you're conservative, this game is probably not for you - but I think it is a great conversation-starter for some tough subjects Have to say I'm a little surprised that CSM rated this "not for kids.
I also am surprised this game is rated so high for violence: I consider Arkham Asylum to be considerably more violent, yet that's rated T and approved by CSM for older kids.
Yes, there is swordfighting and shooting and blood though it's usually overshadowed by the glowing orbs that indicate XP but as long as you are killing "bad guys" and not electing to take the safety off and kill an innocent bystander, I don't see this game as terribly violent.
This game can be played co-op, and is a great conversation-starter if you've got a kid who is ready to talk about sex, alcohol and other choices that have consequences. For instance, if your character engages in extramarital sex, not only do you risk or an STD, you will also find that you can't easily get rid of your lover. If you dismiss them, they will follow you around crestfallen, or consistently bring up marriage or presents in public.
The sex itself is considerably more sanitary that sex on prime time TV, although it's interesting to see how it changes depending on your gender another great topic; it's supposed to be a gender-neutral game but the male and female characters don't act the same and aren't treated the same.
Condoms are a common "prize" and to have sex, you have to choose protected or unprotected sex; unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy as well as STDs. Once your character has a family, he or she will be expected to pay their upkeep and pay attention to them, whether or not you married your partner. Likewise, drinking will make you vomit and lose control of your body.
There are lots of drunkards in the game who look pretty stupid; it's not glorifying bad behavior by any manner of means. Your choices also reflect on your face in a kind of Dorian Grey sort of way: the more evil you are, the uglier you get. Evil acts tend to be selfish and hedonistic: eating meat and pie, drinking alcohol, overcharging, taking slaves. You also have to make amends even if you do something wrong unintentionally: it's pretty easy to accidentally use magic or draw your sword when talking to a villager, but it takes a considerable amount of time to get them to stop running away from you and screaming - and if you need their assistance, you won't get it.
You will also be shunned socially if you don't alter your behavior to suit your audience: prudes don't like belching, and free spirits get bored by polite gestures. All in all, it's not a bad way to open discussion between you and your teen. If you don't plan to talk about it as they play, however, I think it is probably best to wait until your child is an adult.
Even the scarier parts of town offer a lesson: it's clear that prostitutes, thieves, assassins, and beggars are not living happily, and again is a good opportunity to discuss privilege and choice and the role it plays in offering life choices. I recommend playing this game with your child or playing it through on your own and then asking him or her about different areas and scenes. I'm hesitant to put an age recommendation on this review, because it does require a certain kind of maturity from your child - some kids get there sooner, and some later.
This review Helped me decide 2. Had useful details 1. Read my mind. Report this review. Adult Written by Geoff. January 13, Extremely Fun I would personally say that this game is for the teens and or late-childhood, the sexual themes would be a strong "PG" rating but a mild "R" rating.
Helped me decide 1. Had useful details. Read my mind 1. Adult Written by Rhsims September 1, Great game, but the art style is deceptive A lot of reviews here to seem to rank Fable II for lower age groups, but I'm unsure if they've actually played the game. The art style gives the impression that the game is for children, but that's the farthest from the truth. To put it bluntly, your character in Fable 2, can get STDs if you partake in unprotected sex, and no, it isn't censored through another term.
The game blatantly tells you that your character received an STD. That's just scratching the surface. You can have orgies, have sex with prostitutes, there alcohol references, cursing, murder whoever you want, etc. I absolutely adore Fable 2, but it's definitely not for kids.
This title contains: Sexy stuff. Helped me decide. Adult Written by BaraMika August 14, This is an entertaining, fun and quite an easy game. There is a frequent fighting going on, but there is not anything overly graphic. The erotic scenes are entirely optional and there is only black screen with dialogue anyway - nothing scandalous.
I would definitely recommend this game to adults, teens and older kids alike. Adult Written by novocaine November 9, Favourite Game This game was part of my childhood and I don't think my life would've been the same if I didn't have access to it. It made me creative, I got into gaming and programming because of this. The story is amazing, can be heavy but nothing too graphic. This title contains: Positive Messages.