Why does boyd hate chip foose
Too bad it'd be the suck here I haven't watched it in a while Yeah, that was during the 2nd most recent Sgt. Rock build show. You can tell that Paul Sr and Jr both have egos the size of Nebraska.
Those idiots wear sunglasses indoors constantly -- even to meet the governor of New York. Yeah, those are real down to earth guys that you can have a beer with. Get over yourselves. Rick is a different story. On the show where Mikey had to interview everyone for the OCC website, he asked Rick "how would you describe yourself? Now there's a guy you can relate to. I used to think Vinnie was cool but he's gotten uppity in recent shows. Mikey is useless on the show, but he's funny.
Gotta have a guy around for comic relief. I don't watch American Hot Rod very often but I can tell that if that's the "real" Boyd, I can see why he has so much turnover in staff. He's generally unappreciative and overbearing. Even when he tries to be appreciative of the long hours his staff works, it comes off fake. Then his wife says "oh, if they only could see the real Boyd".
Yeah, that makes sense. If the "real" Boyd isn't going to show appreciation to his employees, why would they care what the "real" Boyd does in private? Vinny is okay but he's kind of in cahoots with Mr. Artiste himself Pauly. A real example of how Pauly is a jerk:Mikey's bike episodes. Pauly was supposed to help Mikey with the bike, but no. Vinny and Christian helped Mike out, and showed him a hell of a lot more about the bike than Pauly did.
I'll bet that when Sr. Even now he's a prick. He doesn't listen to Sr. It's like Pauly wants to have his own agenda and only cares about what he wants instead of what his dad, the owner of the shop, wants.
Same with the poker shows. Their own success did them in. What's next? The poker shows do suck, I'll give you that. But, there are good shows and bad shows. One show on Spike, Horsepower TV, is a good show. They don't do much fabrication, just take a car, and make it look really nice with powerful modifications! I like it. I think that AHR and other shows of that nature, are really stupid. Quoted: Take a guess They are overpriced, over painted cookie cutter homemade Hondas in my opinion.
They all look the same, run the same, and the most shared trait of them all. They never get driven. I love it on one of the few episodes of the car shows I have seen on Discovery where the old guys are bagging on the younger guys building true hot rods.
Just where in the hell does he think his trailer queen B. Gee, maybe the generation from the mid 40s-late 50s, oh but wait those are pieces of shit that are not worth a damn.
I hope all of those assclowns go bankrupt, they are nothing but snobs who care about money and have completely lost touch about what hot rodding is all about. ETA: American Chopper is a joke as well. Bolting parts together, and adding metal onto things is not "custom chopper" building. Mild customization yes, I mean they do not even do their own engine repairs even know how to crissakes! If anyone on there has any skills whatsoever it's the Italian looking guy and the other dude with the mullett.
At least Monster Garage is still good. That one's always been interesting. Foose's father Sam, now 76, is often credited as the main source of inspiration for Foose's passion for cars and furiously intense work ethic.
Foose grew up in an automotive-intensive environment, as Sam was running an auto body shop to pay bills. Foose considers his father to be tender and encouraging, giving Foose enough confidence to paint a Porsche by age Foose felt like he wanted to help his father as a child, but ended up destroying a lot along the way, but he aimed to continue his father's work. He also was impacted when his younger sister Amy died in at age He remembers her fondly and he recalls she taught him not to judge a book by its cover, and look for something special that everyone has to offer.
Also, his wife Lynne insisted Foose finish college when they were dating, as he had previously dropped out of Art Center College of Design, citing financial issues. Foose looks back on his time at Overhaulin' as a positive experience , noting that he enjoyed doing that for his fans who never thought they'd have an experience like the one he presented. Foose said that people don't want to cut into old cars as often these days because they don't want to invest the time.
Whereas parts were once the limiting factor and labor was affordable, circumstances have since inverted, so labor has become expensive and parts are more affordable. As a result, there's less creativity in the automotive industry, and people today would rather buy something instead of building something- hence the appeal for Overhaulin'.
For the first five years of filming, Foose said he worked on a car in about a week on average , completing 29 cars in nine months. However, he admits little sleep was a problem in those months, leading to burnout by the end of season three. Foose said he would absolutely do the show again, though, if he were allowed to take up to three weeks to finish each car and not run at the accelerated rate he had previously done.
Segway-Ninebot has unveiled the futuristic electric-hydrogen hybrid motorcycle that might be ready by He might have been good when he started but now he just relies on his name. I think another reason he got in to finical trouble was his cars are stagnet nothing new, same old shit look at the Boydsters the only difference is colors.
Anyway he really got irritated when I questioned him on the use of fiberglass. That was enough for me, and as stated he leads from the air conditioned office not the shop, and when he does come down its to bitch. I also met Chip at a Goodguys show and hes truly a car guy, he was asking me about what I had done and took time to give me a few ideas for my Camaro.
BTW its steel. Quoted: Quoted: I was really impressed at the way Charlie looked out for Beetle while he was moving camps… now that's a guy who earns loyalty. Beetle Bailey, his assistant in Boyds paint shop…. My opinion, boyd is a washed up talentless hack Foose is the real deal. I guess what bugged me the most is I appeared to be one of his drooling worshippers and when I wasnt he just moved on to someone who WOULD worship the ground he walked on.
Quoted: Quoted: Quoted: I was really impressed at the way Charlie looked out for Beetle while he was moving camps… now that's a guy who earns loyalty. Beetle Bailey, his assistant in Boyds paint shop… Ah! It's been a while. I've only seen Foose on Overhaulin', and while that doesn't exactly lend itself to determining a person's character, he comes across as a hell of a lot more sincere and genuine and talented than that hawaiian-shirted dickhead with the power-mad assistant.
The only good thing about Boyd is his current wife and the ending credits on each show. I met two former employees of Boyd and both of them said "Why that guy is not in jail is beyond me" i remember last year there was some kind of mess with registrations or something like that Quoted: My opinion, boyd is a washed up talentless hack Foose is the real deal That's pretty much the long and short of it.
Quoted: Quoted: Quoted: Quoted: Quoted: Boyd is jealous asshole, and Chip hires all of Boyd's best workers Plus Boyd doesnt do anything himself he has it all hired out. What was his reaction? Did he just stew or did he get loud? Quoted: I met two former employees of Boyd and both of them said "Why that guy is not in jail is beyond me" i remember last year there was some kind of mess with registrations or something like that It may just be me, but Boyd appears and acts like he's addicted to a narcotic.
May be Coke, Heroin, Pills. He just seems doped up with glossy eyes and manerisms that mimic a dopefiend with money. Boyd is a ass. Nothing really to tell. He just got a little red-faced and started spluttering, and I walked off before his mouth started working. Back in the 90's was when the whole bankruptcy thing went down. The company used to be called "Boyd's". After the "restructuring" the new wheel company was called "B.