Where to get away from chemtrails
It's not known what's behind those test results - and they couldn't be independently verified. Scientists, of course, disagree that there is any large-scale plot by governments to spread chemicals around the globe. A study by the Carnegie Institute for Science and the University of California Irvine surveyed 77 leading atmospheric scientists and geochemists.
All but one, The one scientist who dissented recorded unusually high levels of atmospheric barium in a remote area with low levels of barium in the soil. But to get from that one result to the idea that we're being secretly sprayed with chemicals requires a monumental leap of faith. But as for me - this is happening. Blog by Chris Bell. More from Trending: What's up with Russia's declining birth rate?
The news of Russia's birth rate dropping by All our stories are at bbc. Image source, Suzanne Maher. More on online conspiracy theories. The saga of 'Pizzagate': The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread Sandy Hook to Trump: 'Help us stop conspiracy theorists'.
Some people claim trails left by aircraft in the sky are evidence of a government conspiracy. Her beliefs don't exactly come from nowhere. Suzanne Maher says her group has bought more than 20 billboards across North America.
The conspiracy theorists won't be swayed. Image source, AFP. Related Topics. Social media Conspiracy theories. Translate Article.
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A typical crop duster might use seven ounces of agent diluted in seven gallons of water to cover one acre of land. Chemtrail "people dusters" would use a similar concentration to cover the entire United States, just to be safe.
For 2. By Phil Plait. Government conspiracy, or water vapour in the sky? Still, a handful of people are extremely devoted to the idea that the government is spraying us with chemicals from planes, and what you think are simple contrails are actually high doses of mind-altering or climate altering chemical compounds meant to keep us under control, I mean, come on, wake up sheeple! In fact, when you see clouds coming from planes they really are just the product of condensation of water vapour.
But why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy?