Where is kivalina alaska

A bowhead whale has not been killed in Kivalina for 22years, but climate change and thin ice might be a game changer. I'll be posting snaps from this epic two week journey in the days ahead.

Every spring, the bowhead whales migrate north of the Arctic Circle after months of freezing temperatures make the waters inhospitable. A group of Kivalina villagers travel across the sea for miles and set up camp near a crack or channel in the melting ice.

They sit for days or weeks with harpoon guns loaded, waiting for a whale to come up for air, according to Men's Journal. Last Spring, ice in the Chukchi Sea and Kotzebue Sound, just outside of Kivalina, Alaska was abnormally thin and created a dangerous scenario for the whale hunt.

In order to reach the open leads where Bowhead whales pass by, the ice must be thick enough to support the weight of a snowgo and sled. We waited for weeks but the ice remained too unstable and so the village of Kivalina and its inhabitants became the focus of my images. Source: Washington Post and Huffington Post. Source: Yale Environment The only way to bring supplies to Kivalina is by cargo plane.

The icy runway hardly stands out from the frozen sea which spans in every direction. This load is heading to the single small grocery store in town. While locally hunted meat is the main source of nutrition for the village, packaged foods, candy and Soda pop make up the majority of this shipment. The high cost of shipping drives up food prices, which means cash and food stamps don't stretch very far at the Native Store.

Portrait of Lazarus in the Arctic twilight after collecting my broken down snow-go from the ice sheet. Lazarus is an Inupiaq hunter from Kivalina, a member of Reppi's whaling crew, and a pretty kick ass basketball player. Inupiaq Eskimo kids tarzaning off an old phone cable hanging from a building in Kivalina, Alaska.

The village of Kivalina, Alaska pop. After only a couple days in town, the entire village seemed to know who we were.

Kivalina is almost literally one big family. Lucy works day and night to feed her family traditional Arctic Inupiaq foods. Her daily life, changed my entire life forever.

Steps to Resilience : This content supports the highlighted step. Tools :. Regions :. Alaska and the Arctic. Arctic Oceans, Sea Ice, and Coasts. Topics :. Coastal Erosion. Tribal Nations. Disaster Risk Reduction. Capacity Building. Additional Resources :. Partners :. Native Village of Kivalina. Kivalina Relocation Planning Committee. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Manilaq Association.

Re-Locate Kivalina. The Climate Foundation. Alaska Community Coastal Protection Project. Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Northwest Arctic Borough. Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. A dog sits on a snowmobile in Kivalina on September 9, Joey Swan plays on a trampoline on September 10, Jerry Norton dresses warmly on a cool morning in Kivalina, on September 14, Ikey Hank hangs out in his home, which is dangerously close to a place where the ground is eroding away, on September 15, He said that about 10 years ago is when he noticed the erosion and is hopeful his home will be moved before it crashes into the lagoon.

Jeremy Hawley, 3, stands near his uncle's home, which is dangerously close to where the permafrost is melting and causing the ground to erode away on September 15, An aerial view shows most of the village of Kivalina, on September 10, The road visible at bottom is being built across the lagoon as an escape route for the village's people in case the ocean waters threaten.

We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters theatlantic. One last look at the colorful beauty of this autumn, seen across the Northern Hemisphere. Images of an foot-tall puppet, depicting a Syrian refugee girl, that has traveled 5, miles in recent months.

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